Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Garbage Can Health Boosters

                                                 Garbage Can Health Boosters

                            Are you throwing away the healthiest parts of your foods?

Everyone knows that eating fruits and vegetables can keep you healthy. But what about the parts you discard? Sometimes, the parts of foods that you don’t eat have the most health benefits. Here are three health-boosting surprises that will make you think twice before tossing rinds or skins. And, most importantly, we tell you how to incorporate these normally inedible substances into your daily diet.

Watermelon Rinds for Heart Health

Juicy watermelon rinds offer a high dose of cirulline amino acid – which helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood circulation. The easiest way to take advantage of watermelon rind health benefits is to blend a whole piece of watermelon with lime. If you’re in the mood for something with a little kick, add some gin or vodka to make it a heart-healthy cocktail.

Celery Tops for Diabetes Prevention

Celery is a good source of magnesium, but the leaves actually have more magnesium than the stalks. A higher magnesium intake has been shown to reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes by up to 23%. To use celery tops, try finally chopping them up with parsley and stir it into a salsa.

Onion Skins for Stroke Prevention

While onions are a good source for antioxidants, the skin actually has more antioxidants than the onion itself. It’s also rich in quercetin – a flavonol that can reduce blood pressure and prevent arterial plaque that can cause stroke. Simmer onion skins in soups for additional flavor, and discard them before serving.
more health info just visit or watch Dr. Oz  program everyday

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