Monday, May 14, 2012


Fruit for the skin/face

1) AppleIt is a type of astringent and tonic. Take some apple juice in a bowl and clean your face with it, it will make the face fair, clean the skin and close the open pores. It removes the problem of constipation, takes out the toxins from the body and reduces the cholesterol.

2) Sweet MelonIt is a very good cleanser. Take some juice of it and wipe your face with the help of cotton. It will remove all the dust. It has a good quantity of water in it, it works as hydrator. It hydrates the skin.
 3) Avocado:  
It removes the deficiency of blood (anemia)  in the body. It reduces the level of bleeding during menstruation period. It stops the falling of hair. It will make your face fair
Niacin (vitamin B3) is especially important for healthy skin, and avocados contain lots of it. Niacin, an anti-inflammatory, soothes irritated skin and red, blotchy skin. One avocado has 3.8 mg niacin – 27% of your daily need.

4) ApricotIt has anti oxidant properties. It helps to take out the toxins from the body. It is a good scrubber. Take some apricots. Grind them in a grinder. Make its powder and put some milk in it. Scrub your face with it. It will remove the dead skin of face. It will also improve your complexion.

5) BananaIt has anti fungal elements. It reduces the cholesterol and remove the toxins from the body. 

6) CucumberIt reduces the high blood pressure. It works as a good astringent. It makes the body cool and brings glow on face. Clean your face with the help of cotton with cucumber juice.

8) LovageIt has cancer restriction property. It reduces the high blood pressure. It has calcium in it. It is good for the pain in joints. Take one spoon of lovage with water. Swallow it, it is very effective. 

9) accerola CherryIt is very effective during migraine and head pain.
Your average cherry doesn’t supply a lot of vitamin C, but that’s not true for Acerolas. One of these cherries supplies 100% of your daily allowance for vitamin C, which is great news for your skin.

10) Date PalmIt is useful for the deformities of anemia, breathing and lung problems.

11) BarleyIt reduces the acne and falling of hair. It has anti oxidant elements. It reduces the ulcer and cholesterol. It is a very good hair tonic. Dip barley in water at night. Take off its water in the morning. Wash your hair with it. It will make the hair healthy and shiny. Mash 2-3 strawberry and some curd in barley make a thin paste. Apply it on face. After 10-15 minutes wash your face. This pack is good for normal skin. 

12) AlmondsIt is a very good source of proteins. It has cancer restrictive properties. Those with low weight, can eat it. It will maintain there weight. Its regular consumption will increase the weight. Almond oil is good for hair and skin. It removes the deformities of face.
 Not only is it a gorgeous shape for your eyes, almonds are also great for your complexion. With 150% of your daily need for vitamin E, it’s no wonder that getting a bit nutty is good for you Vitamin E's rich oils moisturize dry skin, and its antioxidants protect against skin damage and premature aging Dip two almonds in milk at night. Take off its shells in the morning and mash it. Apply its paste on the face. Wash your face after 10-15 minutes. It will bring glow on face.

13) PapayaIt improves the digestion process. Controls the gas and acidity and helps in removing the poisonous elements from the body. It is good for the oily skin. Take one table spoon sandal powder. Mash two spoon papaya in it. Apply this paste on face for 10-15 minutes. Wash your face with clean water. Do it twice or thrice in a week. It will take off the excess oil from the face and remove the black spots from the face.
14) Sesame
It makes the heart strong and it had  calcium in good quantity. It has anti oxidant elements. It reduces the cholesterol.

15) YoghurtIt helps in reducing the digestive system of intestine. It gives nutrition to the skin. It is a good cleanser. It gives nutrition to the hair and makes the smooth. Apply this yoghurt on your face and massage your face with it.

16) CashewIt is useful for teeth, gums and hair. Besides this it provides energy.

17) PeasIt has a good quantity of protein. It removes the deformities of stomach and lever.

18) MangoMangoes have more than 80% of your daily requirements for vitamin A, which is why they’re such a great face food. Vitamin A maintains and repairs skin cells; a deficiency will result in a dry, flaky complexion.
As an antioxidant, vitamin A also fights free radical damage that can prematurely age the skin. And with fewer than 70 calories per serving, this succulent fruit is the perfect pick for your figure, not just your face.
It has a good quantity of vitamin A, C and E. Ripe mango reduces the acidity and helps in increasing the weight. Eat mango everyday, it will make the face fair.

19) OrangeIt has the capability to provide the energy immediately. It is very good for the skin. It is a good form of cleanser. It increases the hunger. It has vitamin C, A, B and Potassium. Make powder of dry shells of orange and apply them on pimples. Put few drops of rose water, in its powder. Apply this paste on face. It will remove the black spots from the face.
Orange Beneficial for SmokersThrough new studies it has been acknowledged that if one orange is eaten everyday than lungs can be protected from the ill effects of nicotine. One of the bioflavonoid termed as "hesperidins" is found in oranges and other sour fruits which protects the lungs from nicotine.
According to one of the study published in "Indian General of Experimental Biology" it reduces the level of lipids up to 90% and prepares a protecting situation.
Though tobacco has 60 harmful elements which produces cancer, among one of them is nicotine.
Thus we cannot guarantee protection through orange alone.

20) LemonIt works as an astringent and it has bleaching elements. It has cancer restrictive properties. It is a good astringent for oil skin and oily hair. Apply lemon juice mixed with glycerin, it will heal the cracked heal and cracked lips. Apply the lime juice in hair, it will stop the hair from falling. Clean the face with lime juice, it removes the wrinkles and black spots from face.

21) Lady FingerIt has protein, iron, potassium, phosphorous and iodine in good quantity. It removes gastric trouble and acidity. 

22) LettuceIt is beneficial in making the bones and hair strong. It has vitamin A, C and B in good quantity. It is helpful in keeping the level of blood in the body normal. Mix juice of lettuce and spinach in equal quantity. Apply this juice in hair. It will make the hair long. 

23) Large PlumIt ahs lots of fiber in it. That is why it clears the stomach and removes the problem of constipation. 

24) Red ChillyIt keeps the blood pressure normal and maintains the circulation of blood. 

25) CornIt has cancer restriction properties. It's consumption keeps the hair strong and stops them from falling. Besides this it increases the energy of brain. 

26) PearIt is good for the thyroid glands. Besides this it takes out the impurities form the body.

27) SpinachIt has the maximum amount of iron. Besides this it has vitamin A, C, B and E. It removes the problem of constipation. It keeps the blood pressure normal. It takes out the toxins from the body and keeps the immune system strong and removes the deficiency of blood from the body. 

28) Kidney beansIt is good during diabetes. It reduces the level of cholesterol from the body. 

29) WalnutIt increases the metabolism. It is a good food for the brain.

30)Mushrooms This fungus isn’t just for soup; it’s rich in riboflavin, a B vitamin that’s vital to your skin. Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is involved in tissue maintenance and repair, and improves skin blemishes caused by rosacea. This vitamin is so important for skin repair that the body uses large amounts after sustaining a burn or wound, or undergoing surgery.

31)OystersWhether they’re an aphrodisiac or not, oysters are a love fest for skin. They fight pimples because they’re rich in zinc. The mineral affects sebum production, a deficiency may contribute to acne.
Zinc also helps boost elastin (the skin's elastic protein) production with the help of vitamin C.

32)Wheat GermDon’t let the “germ” scare you – it’s actually just the embryo within a grain of wheat, and it’s nutritious. Wheat germ is a good source of biotin, a B vitamin that's crucial to skin health. A mild biotin deficiency can cause dermatitis, a condition characterized by itchy, scaly skin.
Sprinkle wheat germ on yogurt for a tasty way to get more biotin in your diet.

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