Friday, May 4, 2012



Lemons contain natural exfoliating properties: rub a cut lemon on your face sprinkled with sugar to remove dead cells and lighten your complexion. (Keep cut lemons used from cooking in the refrigerator for this purpose
You can also rub cut lemons directly on elbows, knees, and ofcourse UNDERARMSSSS:-) to lighten and soften them.

Lemons mixed with cucumber juice makes a natural astringent. Inside and Out!

odor in the underarms: YEAH ODOR just try this before you take a bath or shower cut some slice of lemon and scrub it in your underarms for about 5 mins or until becomes dry then wash it you will see the difference even you have sweat you will not smell any bad odor it help also to lighten you underarms

dark lips: just cut some lemon and rub it in your lips for about 5 to 10mins and rinse it

Eliminate Dandruff: Mix the juice of one lemon in a glass of lukewarm water. (Be careful of the sun and test before using on color treated hair)

For Soft Silky Hair: Apply hot oil and lemon juice to your scalp and wrap for 30 minutes before thoroughly rinsing. (Not too hot!)
For Blemishes: Combine and blend a few drops of lemon juice with enough plain yogurt to cover face. Allow to blend 30 minutes before applying to clean skin.

For wrinkles: Mix olive oil with lemon juice, apply to your face in the evening.
Make a Toner: Steep a peppermint tea bag in a cup of boiled water for 15 minutes. After the tea is cooled, discard tea bag. Add a tablespoon of lemon juice and quarter cup of witch hazel. Store in glass container in the refrigerator. Apply daily after cleansing face.

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