Friday, May 4, 2012


can be use in the skin?
the answer is yes here is some useful tips:

Brush teeth. Use a paste of baking soda and water or sprinkle with your toothpaste  the last one is mix it with strawberries  and rub it in your teeth for about 15mins good for yellowish teeth and to prevent from stain because of coffee and tea i used to do this everytime i brush my teeth

Deodorize. clean 1st your underarm and Dust some baking soda  to absorb body odor

underarm whitening. add baking soda with the water until become paste and apply to your underarms leave for about 10mins before you take a shower
feet deodorizer.dust baking soda into the feet and in your shoes to prevent from moisture and odor 

 hair. just add about  tablespoon of baking soda with water it depends with the hair length and wash it to your hair

Exfoliating with baking soda
To reap the benefits of exfoliating with baking soda, add a teaspoon of the powder to your facial cleanser, mix well, and massage into skin like you would with a commercial exfoliant. Do this 2-3 times a week or as per your regular exfoliation routine. If you notice that your skin is red or irritated afterwards, try putting in less baking soda and use the treatment at night so that your skin has a chance to get back to normal while you sleep. Remember to always moisturize afterwards!

You should know first how to use baking soda as an effective measure to treat acne:
Before the application of baking soda, it is essential to wash your face thoroughly to get rid of all the dirt and any make up. Now, do not dry the face with a towel. Let it remain damp. Take about three to four teaspoons of baking soda in your palm. Just add few drops of water. Make sure not to make it too watery. If the solution is very watery it will run down the face and will not work. Now, apply the paste to the face. Let it dry for about a minute and wash the face.
Be cautious not to use baking soda for quite a long time. It will cause dryness of the skin. In some people with dry skin, the skin may appear dry even after applying baking soda for about a minute. This can be overcome by applying moisturizer to the face immediately after washing off the baking soda. 

Washing the face after application of baking soda causes the skin pores to open up. They open up the clogged skin pores by eliminating the top most skin layer that is filled with oily secretions, dead skin cells and dust. As a result it restricts bacterial growth and hence, helps to gain control over acne.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thank you for those wonderful information surly im going to try one of them